GroupTripo is an independent travel website that does not have any links to third parties. By accessing the GroupTripo website, you agree that GroupTripo will not be accountable for any kind of losses (direct or indirect) due to offers, products, or information present at GroupTripo. Any phone number appearing on the official website of GroupTripo will be either of the official airline or the travel website itself. 

Grou0pTripo is not related to any of the airlines, hotel chain, cruise, organization, car company, cab services or any other company that somewhat provides services related to the travellor needs. GroupTripo is acting solo with the objective to provide passenger information related to airlines policies and connecting travellors with the right service provider. 

Any ticket fare mentioned are quoted by the travel services which might differ from the official and also vary depending on various factors like seat availability, time prior to the departure, number of passenger, baggage and many others. 

However any kind of fee like cancellation fee, name changee, flight changes indicated in the travel policies will be as per given in the official sources of the airlines. 

It is the main intention to provide the right and updated information for the passenger’s own convenience; there is no guarantee that the material or information mentioned on the website will be accurate. 

Apart from the logo of the GroupTripo, any other form of media like logos of respective airlines has been used for informational and reference purposes.